Corporate social responsibility

As a leading passenger transport and travel organization, Munckhof is committed to corporate social responsibility in all its business processes.

Two excellent examples of this are Munckhof's environmental policy and the social causes it supports. The latter is accomplished through sponsorship and by applying the social return concept in the implementation of its transport projects.

Sustainable fleet

Sustainability and the reduction of CO2 emissions are important spearheads at Munckhof. All our vehicles are subject to strict requirements and conditions. The latest developments in the field of environmental responsibility play a key role when purchasing new vehicles for our fleet.

The environmental policy statement is an important part of our environmental policy. This statement can be downloaded here.

Seals and certificates

Munckhof holds the following certifications and industry-specific seals:

ISO 9001 (quality)

The ISO 9001 quality certificate ensures the quality of work procedures, instructions and reports. As an ISO-certified company, Munckhof is required to continuously improve its services to achieve the highest possible quality level. This is checked annually by external auditors.

ISO 14001 (environment)

Munckhof is committed to the environment and to sustainability. We have been ISO 14001 certified for several years now. This certification requires us to meet several environmental standards. Munckhof naturally meets all requirements pertaining to environmental legislation.

ISO 27001 (Information security)

Proper security of information is essential nowadays. With the ISO 27001 certification, Munckhof shows that information management is handled properly and reliable. The certification primarily concerns the travel division and the main group. The ISO 27001 certification for the taxi and bus division is on the agenda for December. The aim is for the entire organization to be ISO 27001 certified by the end of 2019.

ISO 26000

Munckhof Taxi B.V. is the first company in the cab industry to implement the ISO 26000 guideline in its business operations. ISO 26000 is the international guideline for corporate social responsibility. Based on ISO 26000 Munckhof Taxi B.V. has determined what CSR policy means and which subjects have priority for action. We are transparent to our surroundings about what we do in the field of CSR.
After testing and approval of the NEN, the documents have been published on the NEN Publication Platform ISO 26000. There you will also find the results of the underlying substantiation.


TX-Keur is the Dutch quality mark that guarantees professional drivers and safe and comfortable taxi transport. We hold this seal because we meet the high quality standards it requires. Our organization is subject to unplanned internal and external audits each year to guarantee that the principle of high quality is applied organization-wide. More information about the TX-Keur can be found on

ANVR Luchtvaartagenten en Zakenreisbureaus (VLZ)

The ANVR (Dutch Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators) is a trade organization for travel agents. Munckhof is a member of the ANVR Luchtvaartagenten en Zakenreisbureaus (ANVR Association of Airline Travel Agents and Business Travel Agencies, VLZ) and offers its travellers security and quality thanks to the ANVR Reis- en Boekingsvoorwaarden (ANVR travel and booking conditions), and the Geschillencommissie Reizen (Dutch foundation for consumer complaints boards). More information about the ANVR can be found on

International Air Transport Association (IATA)

Munckhof is a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). As a member of IATA, Munckhof can issue airline tickets on behalf of all its 250 affiliated airlines.

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